Glorious sun beams are beating down and the sky is blue – we’ll freely admit, it is FAR TOO EARLY to even be thinking about Christmas.
That said, before we know it the John Lewis Christmas offering will be whipping everyone up into a frenzy of excitement and shops and businesses everywhere will be in full festive mode.
So why not – just for moment – turn your attention to your Christmas holiday and taking some well-earned annual leave…
Perhaps, if you’ve just returned from your summer holiday, you’ll already be craving your next batch of time off.
Christmas could very well be the answer.
Earlier this year it was revealed that 2017’s Bank Holidays fell in such a way that enabled people to take 18 days off work by using just nine days’ holiday.

Now, owing to when Christmas falls, you can get ten days off work, from December 22 to January 2, by only using three days annual leave.
This is because 22 December falls on a Friday this year, meaning 23 December and Christmas Eve fall over the weekend – great news if you only work Monday to Friday.
If your line of work means you automatically get Bank Holidays off, then you’ll also be off on the Monday and Tuesday (Christmas Day and Boxing Day).
So all you need to do is request holiday for the Wednesday (27 December) until the Friday (29 December) inclusive.
After which comes the weekend – 30 and 31 December – with Monday January 1 also being a Bank Holiday.
To summarise, if you book 27, 28 and 29 December off work, then when you finish on December 22 you have ten whole days in which to eat, drink and make merry.
So even though the longest day of the year is barely behind us, it’s probably worth getting in their early and planning your Christmas break.