Image result for Michigan begins search for 2018 State Christmas Tree

LANSING, Mich. (WLUC) – On Tuesday, Michigan’s Department of Technology, Management and Budget officially began the search for the tree that will adorn the Capitol for the 2018 holiday season.

“We rely on the general public’s help to find a great tree,” explained DTMB Director Dave DeVries. “When traveling around the state this summer, our hope is that Michiganders will keep their eyes peeled for just the right tree and let us know when they find it.”

To be considered for the official state Christmas tree, it needs to meet the following criteria:
• a spruce or fir,
• at least 55 feet tall with a maximum crown of 24 feet and maximum trunk diameter of 30 inches,
• within easy access of a road with no interference from wires, and
• available at no cost.

DTMB works with the Michigan Association of Timbermen and Great Lakes Timber Professionals Association to bring the tree to Lansing. In the last 31 years, trees have come from locations across the state – from back yards to public land near highways and forests. Last year’s tree was harvested in Stephenson, making it the 23rd tree to be selected from the Upper Peninsula.

The deadline for tree nominations is Wednesday, August 15, 2018. Individuals who wish to nominate a tree are asked to send their name, telephone number, a photograph of the tree and information about its size and location to, or by mail to:

Christmas Tree Search
Michigan Department of Technology, Management and Budget
Building Operations Division
P.O. Box 30026
Lansing, MI 48909


By Loknath

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