The 16-year-old boy, Harshit Sharma has bagged a job at google for icon designing.

16-year-old class 12 boy bags 1.4 crore offer from Google

16-year-old class 12 boy bags 1.4 crore offer from Google

The 16-year-old boy, Harshit Sharma has bagged a job at Google for icon designing. The Chandigarh boy whopped an annual package of Rs 1.44 crore.

Now many questions must be popping up in your head as how this little kid made it to Google. Right?

Here’s how he got selected in Google:

As reported by HT, Harshit said, “I kept searching for jobs online. I applied for this job in May, and was interviewed online. I have been interested in graphic designing for the past 10 years. I was selected on the basis of the posters I designed.”

The Chandigarh boy finished his schooling from the Government Model Senior Secondary School (GMSSS), Sector 33.

Salary offered:

He will get a whopping annual salary of Rs 1.44 crore. During the initial period of his training, he will receive Rs 4 lakh per month. Thereafter, he will get a salary of Rs 12 lakh per month.

Here’s how his teacher and principal reacted:

One of his teachers, Deep Kiran said, “He is a brilliant student.” His principal Indra Beniwal told, “Harshit is an all-rounder. He has brought laurels to our school. Our school got the smart school status in 2016. Harshit helped the teachers in various programmes, as he has a knack for technology,” she added.


By Loknath

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