On Friday, India’s first Centre for Animal Law was inaugurated by the Nalsar University of Law. The students will be able to conduct research and advocate animal protection rights.
On Friday, India’s first Centre for Animal Law was inaugurated by the Nalsar University of Law. The students will be able to conduct research and advocate animal protection rights. So as to steer and coordinate the activities of the centre, the Humane Society International/India will work in association with the university.
As per TOI report, the Centre was inaugurated by union minister for women and child welfare, Maneka Gandhi, who is also an environmentalist and animal protection crusader.
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China’s impact on India’s animals
“While fighting various cases in courts, we spend a lot of time in researching. The Centre at Nalsar can emerge as a resource group where gap studies for such cases can be conducted by students,” said Gandhi, urging the university to conduct a critical study on China’s impact on India’s animals.
Expressing concerns over extinction of various animals, she said, “Around 1,800 tigers in the country are on life-support. Apart from this, we have only 20,000 camels in the country with rare species such as swimming camels being only 3,000.”
Unprotected borders
She further added how our borders around the Kutch area are not protected as the Border Security Forces lacks enough camels to patrol.
The Nalsar University also released a press release according to which the centre will develop curriculum on animal welfare laws, including developing topics for research. “Workshops will also be organised on animal laws and animal welfare issues with judicial magistrates, animal welfare advocates, law enforcement agencies and other stakeholders in the government,” reads the release.