NTA will release admit cards for JEE Main exam today at www.jeemain.nic.in
JEE Main 2019: National Testing Agency (NTA) will release the admit cards for the JEE Main January 2019 exam today. The admit cards will be available for download on the official website for JEE Main. From 2019 onward JEE Main will no longer be conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and instead has been handed over to NTA. Another change that has been introduced to the engineering entrance exam is that it will be conducted twice in the year providing students two chances to appear in the exam and improve their performance if need be.
The JEE Main I or JEE Main January 2019 exam will begin from January 6, 2019 and end on January 20, 2019. The exam will be computer-based and will be held over multiple sessions.
Earlier NTA had also released exam date, shift and exam city details on the official website. Candidates are advised to cross check if exam date, shift and city details on the admit card match the one released earlier.
In case a candidate is unable to download Admit Cards from the website, the candidate should approach the NTA Help Line between 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from December 17, 2019 to January 23, 2019.
NTA has completely done away with the pen-paper based exam for JEE Main exam. This year onward JEE Main exam will be conducted in computer-based mode only. Students due to appear for the exam can also access online mock test from the official website.
NTA has made provision for test practice and had set up Test Practice Centres (TPCs) where students could go and appear for mock tests. Students could register for TPCs through the official website of NTA or JEE Main.