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Autumn is approaching, and temperatures are starting to cool in many parts of the country—which means you might be more tempted to curl up on the couch this weekend with a good app. Thankfully, Android users have a few new intriguing options from the Play Store to keep them company.

Duolingo has finally added a long-awaited Korean language course, letting you learn from scratch or brush up on your dormant skills, while science app Atom Visualizer is the Play Store’s first ARCore-powered augmented reality offering. And if you’re in the mood for entertainment, then Dungeons & Dragons: Lords of Waterkeep looks plenty engrossing, The Walking Dead Encounter is another free AR diversion, and Daniel Tiger’s Storybooks is well primed for any young tykes in your crew.


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Now’s your chance to learn Korean on your own time.

Duolingo is Android’s leading language-learning app, with more than 100 million downloads to date, and it has gradually expanded over time to include more and more lessons. The latest? Korean, which just started rolling out yesterday following ample user demand.

According to the company, more than 200,000 users put themselves on a waiting list for Korean language courses, and now they’ll be able to dig into the lessons on Android and other platforms. It’s all part of a recent initiative to encompass more Asian languages: Japanese arrived in June and has been one of Duolingo’s most popular languages since, and a Mandarin Chinese course is also promised by year’s end. As ever, the ad-supported app is free to use, although there are also paid subscriptions available without ads.

Atom Visualizer

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By Loknath

Simple Guys with Simple dream to live Simple