LUDHIANA: As the city is progressing towards a luxurious lifestyle, with swanky cars, an army of maids and servants, and machines to do our work, it is also seeing a surge in various diseases, earlier unknown to the public, but now becoming relatively common. One such disease is Poly Cystic Ovary Disorder, or PCOD. The disease is found in women, which causes them to develop an erratic period cycle, and if not treated, can lead to infertility.
According to Dr Vaneet Jain, a city-based doctor: “In PCOD, due to a hormonal imbalance in the body, the ovaries are enlarged, and tiny cysts are formed on their periphery.” Dr Renu Verma, a renowned gynaecologist in a city-based hospital, said: “Cases of PCOD have seen a huge increase. In the past five years, they have increased by 50%. I see 2-3 PCOD patients every day.”
According to Dr Vaneet Jain, a city-based doctor: “In PCOD, due to a hormonal imbalance in the body, the ovaries are enlarged, and tiny cysts are formed on their periphery.” Dr Renu Verma, a renowned gynaecologist in a city-based hospital, said: “Cases of PCOD have seen a huge increase. In the past five years, they have increased by 50%. I see 2-3 PCOD patients every day.”
Dr Farah, another city-based gynaecologist said: “I see 3-4 patients of PCOD every day. Most of them are young girls from the age 18-25. The increase in the disease is definitely tremendous.” Elucidating on the reasons behind the same, Dr Farah noted: “I believe PCOD has become a lifestyle disease in the city. There’s lethargy, girls do not walk or exercise, and eat junk food all day. This causes a hormonal imbalance in them, causing the onset of PCOD.”
Dr Verma added: “Obesity is on an increase in adolescent girls. This causes them to develop PCOD too. Moreover, the city is witnessing an increasing level of work and academic stress. This too causes PCOD.” The gynaecologists added that if the disease is not treated in time, it can aggravate and cause permanent infertility in girls.
Describing the symptoms, Dr Farah said: “Girls stop having periods for months altogether, they see a sharp increase in their weights, acnes develop on their face, and they develop facial hair.” She added that if patients do miss their periods for a month or two, they should immediately get a scan done, and get it to a gynaecologist to begin treatment.
The preventive measures, according to Dr Verma, include: “The citizens need to become proactive. Exercising and walking for 20-30 minutes every day is a must. Yoga prevents PCOD too. Moreover, the more green vegetables and healthy food we consume, the better off we are. Reducing junk food in our diet can solve the twin problems of PCOD and obesity.”