Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of various minerals, vitamins and fibers that are quite beneficial for the overall health. This starchy yet sweet tasting root has a thick skin from outside with a coloured pulp inside. You can eat sweet potatoes either raw or cooked. One of its vital nutritional utility is that it is high in antioxidant also called as beta carotene which transforms to vitamin A once eaten. Here are some of the amazing benefits of sweet potato that can do wonders to your skin and health.
Benefits Of Sweet Potatoes For Skin
1. Helps To Improve Skin Texture: Boil the sweet potato for few minutes. Once done with the boiling process, preserve the boiled water and pour it into bottle. Store it in the refrigerator and allow it to cool. You can then use this water as a toner for skin. This organic toner will help you get rid of impurities. It also deep cleanses the skin pores to a great extent.

2. Reduces Oily Skin: Boil the sweet potato and mash it thoroughly. Once you’re done with the mashing, add a tablespoon of organic honey to it. Apply this mixture to your face and wash off after few minutes.
3. Lightens Dark Circles & Eye Puffiness: Sweet potato is rich in anthocyanin which helps in healing the dark circles and eye puffiness. All you need to do is to take your sweet starch and cut two slices from the same. Place them on your eyes for a while and let it work.

4. Acts As A Moisturizer: Take half cup of boiled sweet potatoes, 1 tablespoon yogurt and 1 table spoon oats and then start blending them to form a solid paste. Use this paste on your skin and scrub it slowly. Wash your face once done with warm water and you can feel your skin moisturized.
Benefits Of Sweet Potatoes For Health
1. Provides with Vitamin D: Deficiency of Vitamin D in the body can prove to be quite problematic. Since sweet potatoes are packed with nutrients and are a rich source of vitamin D, consuming one sweet potato every day can make your bones stronger and can also promote heart health.
2. Strengthens Immune System: Sweet potatoes have an ample portion of vitamin Cwhich not only helps to keep the skin healthy but also strengthens and boosts the immunity system to a great extent.

3. Rich In Iron: Sweet potatoes help in fighting against anaemia and increases the amount of white blood cells in the body. It’s also known to reduce stress and anxiety.
4. Increases Metabolism: Since sweet potato has abundance of vital nutrients, one of its key nutrients i.e Manganese, increases the metabolism and balances the blood sugar levels in the body
Sweet potatoes are inexpensive, healthy and super-easy to use. So in the next round of grocery shopping, do not forget to buy this nutritional root.