Direct and indirect firefighting foam application methods - BIOEX

When you undergo online firefighter training, you will learning multiple techniques for extinguishing a conflagration. The appropriate technique for any given fire depends on its location and the fuel that is feeding it.


1. Direct Attack

Using a powerful, concentrated jet of water, aim the stream directly at the base of the fire. This helps extinguish the fire more quickly when it is in a non-vented area and your line of sight is clear. This is the technique that is most widely known.

2. Indirect Attack

This technique requires you to aim the stream of water at the ceiling or wall instead of directly at the fire. The water falls down onto the fire like rain after disrupting the thermal balance by cooling the ceiling. This is a good technique to use in a high-rise environment or other closed compartment.

3. Combination Attack

As implied by the name, this technique combines both direct and indirect attacks. The purpose is to minimize the risk of the fire spreading by combatting overhead gases while extinguishing it.

4. Fog Attack

Instead of emitting a stream of water, the hose is set to a different setting to release water in more of a mist than a jet. This technique is popular in the United Kingdom for extinguishing fires in no-wind situations. However, it is less common in the United States

5. Two Lines in

Wind introduces an additional hazard in firefighting as it could cause the flames to spread. Firefighters may use a two lines in technique to fight this type of fire. This involves two teams, each with its own hose, one set to a concentrated, high-pressure stream and the other to a fog setting.

While property owners may be able to cope with small fires on their own, a large fire requires a call to the fire department after vacating the premises.

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