You might have played the game of rummy once in your lifetime. Most of the players start their rummy career as an offline rummy game player. But as technology evolves, there has been a great shift from offline rummy to online rummy. It involves tactics and skills to win a rummy game online. The players looking toplay rummy online can start playing this game over different rummy card games portals. But before you join any rummy website, it is important for you to learn about the major difference between online andoffline rummy.

Online Rummy Vs Offline Rummy

A strong debate has been running over the time on this topic. Though there are people who still believe that offline rummy is better, but a majority of them feel that online rummy has given a new dimension to the offline rummy. Let us try to find out which mode of rummy is better and why.


The online rummy games can be played from just anywhere on any device. You can play rummy game online using your desktops, mobiles, and tablets. Nowadays, different applications are available that allow you to play rummy on Android, iOS, and Windows based devices. But for offline rummy, you need to wait for players to gather at one specific place and the game begins when all players have reached that place.

Different Rummy Variants can be Played

While playing rummy game online, you can choose to play different variants of rummy games by learning the basic rules using the tutorials available on the rummy website. This might not be possible when you are playing rummy offline as every player might not know how to play a specific variant of rummy game.


If a player joins any rummy website, they are given a welcome bonus. A player can even earn more bonuses by simply referring the game to the friends. Moreover, there are weekly bonuses and cash prizes in each game. The chances of bonuses are next to impossible in case of offline rummy.

Fair Game Play

In the online rummy, the player seating is random. This ensures that the seating around the table is not controlled by any player. Moreover, the random number generator shuffles the cards and then the cards are dealt among the players. This makes sure that no player can cheat during dealing of cards. The risk of cheating or unfair game play is very high in case of offline rummy games.

Play with Different players EverytimeFrom The Comfort of Home

While playing rummy on any online portal, you often play with different players each time you join a new table. Moreover, you can play rummy games 24X7 from the comfort of your home. The players might be same everytime in case of offline rummy and you need to gather at one specific place to play this game together.

The Bottom Line

Surely, online rummy takes over offline rummy. Online rummy has successfully trumped offline rummy in recent time. The game takes serious tactics and skills to win the game. Most importantly, online rummy can be played from anywhere over any device with different players. Offline rummy lags behind the online rummy games in several aspects. If you haven’t started playing online rummy games, it’s the right time to join any rummy website now.

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