Becoming a licensed driver in the state of Florida is a very momentous occasion in someone’s life. When you have your driver’s license, you will have the freedom to drive anywhere that you want. While there are plenty of benefits that come with being a licensed driver, it is also a very significant responsibility. Prior to being able to drive, you will need to pass a variety of different tests and qualifications. It is important to understand all of these requirements before starting the process.

Age and Experience Requirement

For first-time licensed drivers, the first step in getting a license is to meet all of the age and experience requirements. When getting a Florida license, you will need to first have a learner’s permit for at least 12 months, which you are not able to obtain until you turn 15. This effectively means that you cannot get your driver’s license until you turn 16. Along with the permit, you will need to have at least 50 hours of driving experience, 10 of which much be at night. You will need to have a legal guardian attest that you did complete the necessary training. You will also have to take a drug and alcohol course prior to taking the test as well. 

Road Signs and Rules Test

Once you have had your learner’s permit for a year and have the necessary driving experience you can qualify to take the qualification test. One part of this is the road signs and rules test. This will be a written test in which you have to answer 50 different multiple point questions. These questions will test your understanding of driving rules as well as your ability to recognize road signs. There is a handbook that you should read beforehand to ensure you are prepared for the examination.

Driving Test

Another important part of your license test is the road driving test. The driving test will be a live driving test in which you take your car out along with a licensed test examiner. The examiner will have you drive around your local area to observe your driving skill. This will include paying attention to how well you pay attention to local driving rules and react in certain situations. To drive your car, it must have a valid insurance policy in place as well as a current registration.

Vision and Hearing Test

When you come in for a driver’s license test in Florida, you will also have to pass the vision and hearing test. Being able to see and hear well is very important for any driver to operate a vehicle safely. You are permitted to wear any contacts, glasses, or hearing aids that you have prescribed. If you do not pass one of these tests, you will need to see a medical professional for a further evaluation before you will pass the test. This part of the examination will be required whether you are a first time driver or transferring a license from out of state.

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