The best you can do for your business on the internet is by picking up the best available cheap shared hosting. A bad web host will repeatedly give you issues in terms of Down-time; poor support along with other problems. A thorough research prior to making a choice and deciding is very important for wordpress site hosting.
Factors That Will Surely Help You to Choose the Best Service for Your Website:
· Reliability:
This is an important feature that you should seek in any sort of web host. The downtime of your web host can actually charge you a lot. Make sure that you host offers at least 99% while operating. There are several other websites that monitor famous hosts for downtime. If there has been recent downtime then you can actually learn from those websites.
· Technical support of Website Hosting:
There are situations where you would need to get in touch with your website host’s support system. Then you can expect them to respond to your questions quickly. A reliable and cheap web hosting should also be able to respond and interact with its user anytime and every time. A web host that does not avail to his key feature is not a very good choice of yours. You can actually test it by contacting them with a simple query. You can simply email them to see the response time they take.Cloud Axis is being noted as the best website hosting service provider in today’s current position in the hosting business.
· Features:
You have to be sure that the web host you opt for has the features that suits your website. There are plenty of revision and homework to be done before actually settling for any of the web hosting. Have a detailed research first, and then make a decision according to your needs. You can log on to CloudAxis where you will find best deals for WordPress hosting service. Do not choose the very first host that you come across, especially never follow the top-ten websites. As most of them are doing affiliate programs to make income by displaying the same list of hosts on their homepage.
But how do you decide if a web host id a good one or bad? Which kind of hosting service should you follow for your best websites ? There is a brief description below that explains all queries about web hosting services:
How Do You Choose A Web Hosting Service?
Know Your Needs: you will never get the right web host if you don’t know what you need. Before stepping further think about what are your requirements from a web host?
· What kind of website are you actually building?
· Do you need any Windows applications?
· Do you want something common as a WordPress blog?
· Do you need a special version of software PHP?
· Does your website needs anything special in the software?
· How small or big the web traffic can go?
These are few basic questions that you need to answer before looking out for a web host.
What to Look For In a Web Hosting?
1. Server Upgrading Options:
Shared web hosts like CloudAxis guarantee that the website will be 100% up as they are not having over loaded servers and are quite powerful and impactful these days. A shared hosting account should be sufficient enough to support a proper-optimized WordPress blog with about 30,000-40,000 monthly visitors. You should be doing everything right on a shared host if you manage to restrain your concurrent database connections less than 20.
2. Multiple Add-On Domains:
Domain names are quite cheap-so cheap that it is very hard to resist not owning more than one. Most of the people own more than 5 domain names and more than 20% of the voters actually own more than 50! To get the extra domains, you will require extra hosting space. And it is very important to have a web hosting account which allows adding many domains. Most budget shared hosting companies usually allow at least 25 add-on domains that are the separated website with a different domain that can host on web; in one account nowadays but you can never be sure of that.
3. Prices:
The hosting deals and shared hosting especially are usually selling very cheap on the signup prices but charge way too much on renewals. Unless you want to hoop between the two or three web hosts every two years, there is no way for you to run away from the renewal costs. For cost-effective web hosting you can look for CloudAxis Plans.
4. Refund:
The basic type questions to ask from before signing up are:
· Should you be selecting to cancel your host along the trial period, does the company really provide full money return?
· What is the actual policy of hosting companies after the trial session?
· Is there any charges applied in while cancelling the deal?
It is very important to know that your hosting provider handles the user’s refunds so that when things go wrong, you do not have to lose a lot of money. There are some hosting companies that absurdly charge very high on cancellation when the customers cancel their account during the free session. Avoid these providers as much as you can. Some of the hosting companies do provide anytime facilities of money back guarantees like CloudAxis, where you can ask for your refund even after the trial session.
5. User-Friendly Hosting Control Panel:
A functional hosting control panel along with it being user-friendly is very important. It is not important whether it is a Cpanel or a Plesk or a third party control panel, it is recommended as long as it is user-friendly and comes with all the important functions. Without a fully equipped control panel, you will be left in the hands of the hosting tech support staff- even if you require basic server changes.
6. Account Suspension:
What are the limitations? Mostly the Hosting companies will pull the plug and suspend your id if you are caught with using too much of CPU power or violating the company’s rules. Before you register on a web host, be very careful while reading the company’s rules.
7. Live Chat Support:
Most of the users prefer web hosting company with comprehensive type of documentation so that they can read and solve the problems. But the system is made to help you instantly whenever you press the S.O.S button.